Rowan Anderson, Arvada West high school senior has gotten the leading role of Eponine in Arvada West high school's 2016 musical production of Les Miserables by Claude-Michael Schoenberg. Christopher Cordova, Katrina Cordova and Lauren Haid will be in the cast of Les Mis at Arvada West High to be performed in February 2016.
NATS Student Auditions at University of Wyoming, Laramie this year! On April 9th, 2016 the National Association of Teachers of Singing will travel up north for the annual CO/WY District Auditions. We have many vocal students from Arvada Center and Fort Collins vocal studios participating in 2016.
NATS Student Auditions at University of Wyoming, Laramie this year! On April 9th, 2016 the National Association of Teachers of Singing will travel up north for the annual CO/WY District Auditions. We have many vocal students from Arvada Center and Fort Collins vocal studios participating in 2016.